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The 2002 Williraye Collection Catalog
Midyear 2002

ww2390 Snowman, Cow, Quilt, Christmas, 2002, ornament, bluebird
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Dreaming of Christmas Pull Toy 9" x 11" $55.00 SOLD OUT
ww2389 Deer, reindeer, Santa, Quilt, Pull Toy, Christmas ornament, 2002, checkered
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A Little Holiday Decorating Pull Toy 9-½" x 10-¼" $55.00 SOLD OUT
ww2392 Santa, Cat, star, Candle Holder, votive, Sleigh, Candy Cane, 2002, presents, gifts
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Precious Treasures Tea Light 14" x 7-frac12;" Base Included, not shown $80.00

Christmas 2002 Catalog
Midyear 2002 Catalog


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